Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Beautiful Free Blog Templates for New Blogger
I have mentioned in my previous post that there is a scarcity of free beautiful templates for blogger. I can say this because I have been scouring online for the best blogger xml templates that I can use for my blogspot blogs. I actually want to download blogger templates for my new blogs. I no longer want to modify the existing custom blogger templates in my older blogs because those blogger beta templates seem to blend well with my google ads.
I am particularly looking for a new blogger template that has been converted from a wordpress theme. Those wordpress templates for blogger will be best for my custom domain blogger blogs. Anyway, I am posting here some sites where you will find beautiful free blogger templates online: The blogspot templates from this site are made by someone who want to "ditch generic Blogger templates" so you will know what to expect from the site's blogspot templates. I intend on using this moon and the stars for my insomniac diaries blog. site has some wordpress blogger templates. Some of the wordpress themes that have been converted into blogger template including Mr. Techie and Leia are available for downloading from this site. I am actually using one of B-themes' blogger com templates in one of my blogs, the minyx template for blogger. Here is how the 3 column blogger template looks like: site is a good source of holiday specific blogger xml templates. It has christmas and new year blogger templates like this one: I have landed on this site while searching for blogger converted wordpress themes such as this dftheme, a 3 column blogger template converted from wordpress template to blogger: is the site to go if you are an avid movie fan. Check out their Shrek xml blogger template:
Geekoo Blog. Make sure to visit this site next Christmas for their beautiful Christmas blogger template: also has really nice and one of a kind Christmas blogger templates. I like the site's Write Without Paper - Paperless Template in particular:
If none of these sites satisfy you though, I recommend you checking out these great posts on blogger templates:
8 Sites with Free Blogspot Templates and Tricks
Blogger xml templates sites
Los 9 mejores templates para blogger (Top Plantillas)
Free Blogger templates for download. The site author also has a number of beautiful blogger templates in his blog.
Why Blogger is (sometimes) better than Wordpress
One of the reasons why I love wordpress better than blogger is because of the large selection of free wordpress themes that are available online. As technojavi says it, "Wordpress offers the most beautiful templates that Blogger users can only dream of having". I can also attest that search engines love my wordpress blogs better than my blogspot blogs. Most of my wordpress blogs have PR 4. I find it difficult to score a PR 4 with my blogger blogs. Unfortunately, I do not use self hosted wordpress all the time. I still have a number of free hosted blogger blogs. Here are some of the reasons why choosing blogger is sometimes better than using wordpress as your blogging platform:
Blogger vs
You can’t monetize your free hosted wordpress. Blogger is free for anyone to use. You can use as your blogging platform for free but you will not be able to earn money from your blog. Free hosted wordpress does not allow any form of advertisement including google ads and paid posts. Blogger is therefore best for blog entrepreneur wannabes who do not want to spend an investment to start a money earning blog. For a comparison between free hosted blogger and wordpress, check out The Ultimate Blogger Wordpress Comparison Guide. You can also visit Pulsed.blogspot for the updated version of Blogger vs Wordpress Comparison Chart.
Blogger vs Self Hosted Wordpress
No bandwidth limit. I always check my bandwith usage with my self hosted blogs. I already experienced my personal site being down for a few days because I exceeded the monthly bandwidth limit. With blogger, sky is the bandwith limit (lol). You can upload videos and photos regularly and expect millions of visitors a day without you worrying that you will exceed your monthly usage allotment.
No technical brouhahas. A wordpress site is nice to look at but it is difficult to set up. I spent almost half of the day setting up my first self hosted wordpress. I have to go through every hassle including deleting an entire folder in my cpanel because my hosting provider does not give support for wordpress installation. With blogger, setting up your site may even take you only 5 minutes.
Labels: bago
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Displaying Youtube Video Feeds in Your Blog
Showing latest posts from other blogs in your site is now much easier. Thanks to RSS widgets but what if you want to display the latest videos from your favorite youtube user?
Non-working Youtube RSS Feeds
Unlike most websites and blogs that show RSS icons, youtube does not readily show RSS links. Worse, the youtube instruction on How to Access RSS Feeds does not seem to work. I tried to follow the suggested url format (feed:// under Youtube’s RSS Feeds for Tags and Users section but my site did not recognize the youtube feed.
RSS URL Format
Fortunately, I was able to find a post that gave a working instruction on how to display youtube feeds in your blog. Too bad I no longer remember the site. I should have cited it for reference. Anyway, if you want to show youtube video feeds in your blog, simply follow this url and change the username.
You can now use your new Youtube RSS link to display latest youtube video links in your blog.
Labels: bago
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Free Wordpress SEO Ebook
Thanks to a post I have read from, I have learned that blog oh! blog has published a Wordpress SEO ebook that can be downloaded for free.
The Wordpress SEO guide for beginners ebook provides helpful guides on how to configure a wordpress blog to achieve maximum SEO benefits. I already downloaded the free wordpress SEO ebook and found it very useful. I intend on making some changes with cantalktech using the SEO techniques I have learned particularly on using different pinging services for my blog.
Labels: bago
Saturday, December 15, 2007
How to Make a Sitemap for Blogger
If you are using a free hosted blogspot account for your blog and you want search engines, specifically google to index your blog faster, it is important that you submit a sitemap of your blogger blog to Google. Unlike using self hosted blogs like wordpress where you have to upload your sitemap to your web root directory, you merely have to use your blogger site feed url to create and submit a sitemap for blogger. Here is how you can submit your blogger sitemap to google’s webmaster’s tool:
- Log in to Webmaster Tools. Use your google account name and password
- Enter your blog url and click “add site”
- Click “sitemaps” and then “Add a Sitemap”
- Choose “add general web” sitemap in the dropdown menu
- Add “atom.xml” minus the quotation marks in the box after
- Click “add general web sitemap”
- You are done.
Labels: bago
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Western Union Philippine Branches
Did somebody just send you money as a birthday gift? Do you need to send money to a relative in the province via Western Union? The number of Western Union agents has grown so much for the past years owing to the growing demand among Filipinos to send and receive money to and from within and outside the country. Some people who work online also get paid via Western Union.
If you are looking for Western Union Philippine branches or you need to contact a particular Western Union agent for queries on dollar payouts, schedules, fees and other concerns, you may want to check this
Western Union Branches List.
Please note that this site is not the official Western Union Website, any concerns, complaints and problems should be addressed to Western Union and not to this site. We may publish your comments on grievances about Western Union, their employees and agents but we cannot do something about your concern.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Bill Gates’ Latest Blog Post
I was surfing the internet today for some blogger converted wordpress templates that I intend to use in my blogspot blogs when I happened to see a a post on Bill Gates' Secret Blog. The latest entry on posted on October 20. 2007 reads:
ah, life is grand. i have my own island and billions of dollars. all i need now to complete my life are tickets to hannah montana. yes, my secret passion is revealed here, to you my plebian subjects.
you may now bow three times, say my name in praise, and log off your screens. my words are your privelege. now scurry off ye unworthy heathens.
i shall write more at my leisure (perhaps more frequently than 2 1/2 years as with my last post).
his lordship,
Honestly though, I do not believe that it is Bill Gates who is behind this blog. The blog post just reads like one of those Art Bell hoax messages.
Labels: bago
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Stroke Patients Recommended to Play Wii
Who says Wii is just for the video game loving young people? Seniors and people who suffered from stroke are now recommended to play Nintendo’s fifth home video game console, Wii. Some occupational therapists believe that playing Wii will allow patients to “build balance, coordination, endurance and upper and lower body strength”. Playing Wii can also reportedly improve brain function when patients take advantage of the video game console’s internet channel.
Playing Wii is also believed to be good for people who have suffered from spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. The Ohio State University Medical Center's Dodd Hall Rehabilitation Hospital in Columbus, Ohio has already been using the Nintendo Wii for four months now to rehabilitate their patients who suffered from stroke, spinal cord and brain injuries. Too bad, there is now a Wii shortage especially in US and UK.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Bury Digg’s New Look
I was submitting a story at digg today and noticed that digg has adopted a new look and set-up. Aside from the title and description, diggers can now opt to include a thumbnail for the story that they are submitting. After submitting the link, here is what appears on the screen:
Submitting stories now takes much longer because it takes much time to load the submit link page. This is the reason why I want to bury digg's new look.
Labels: bago
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Sony W80 Digicam Price Differences
So it is Christmas and who wants to go to reunions and parties without a reliable digital camera? I have been scouring online to know where it is best to buy a new digital camera. I intend on buying a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W80 Digital Camera (although I am still considering the Sony Cybershot DSC-T20). Check out how the price of the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W80 digicam differs:
Sony Ph $ 525.914 (SRP)
Davao Sale $ 473.344 $ 272.5317 (not inclusive of shipment fee)
I can save up to $253.383 or PhP 10, 599 if I buy from Conversion rate is as of today, December 7, 2007. 1 USD = 41.8300 PHP
Labels: bago