Scammers are taking advantage of the Swine Flu scare to send spam messages and people who want more information about the outbreak may likely be enticed to open spam emails that contain swine flu subjects.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Swine Flu Spam
Labels: bago, Internet security, span blocker, Swine Flu Spam
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Gphone.exe Virus Removal
What is Gphone.exe?
gphone.exe (also known as newfolder.exe virus) is a worm that is spread through instant messaging programs such as yahoo messenger and gtalk. The gphone virus sends a link which installs the gphone virus infection.
Gphone.exe Virus Characteristics
The gphone virus can change your browser's homepage and may even send messages to your instant messaging contacts. It can even block computer security programs which will then enable the gphone.exe virus to infect the computer with more malware and computer viruses. The gphone virus .exe file also looks like a computer folder in your PC.
How to remove gphone.exe virus
Prevx provides a gphone.exe virus removal tool. Additionally, you can visit the following sites for detailed instruction and information on Gphone.exe Virus Removal:
Computer talks
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How to Remove Usbcillin
What is USBcillin?
USB cillin claims to be a security software that provides autorun.inf protection from infected USB drives. USBcilin however is a questionable internet security software. Prevx reported that Usbcillin.exe is a virus that may modify and even delete processes in the infected PC.
How to Remove Usbcillin
USBcillin is a fake virus protection software and it is best to delete usbcillin before it does more harm to the computer. One of the most popular free virus protection software that you can use as a USBcillin remover is Malwarebytes. You can download malwarebytes from this site.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Free Winibluesoft Removal
If your computer is infected with the winibluesoft fake antivirus, this article provides free winibluesoft removal information.
What is the winibluesoft software?
WINIBLUESOFT ( is another type of malicious program that poses itself as an anti virus. Winibluesoft is a fake anti-virus protection software and some users who downloaded winbluesoft initially thought that they were downloading an anti virus protection.
WiniBlue Soft Symptoms
Infected users report that the Winibluesoft rogue virus protection program appears to scan your computer for security and virus threats and will ask for your credit card number to purchase winibluesoft program:
Windows Security Alerts
Your computer is infected with spyware. It could damage your critical files or expose your private data on the Internet. Click here to register your copy of WiniBlueSoft and remove spyware threats from your PC.
Infiltration Alert!
Your computer is being attacked by an Internet Virus. It could be a password-stealing attack, a trojan-dropper or similar.
The virus also slows down your computer and shuts off your PC with a blue screen.
How to remove winibluesoft
Winibluesoft belongs to a family of fake virus security wares like spywareremover2009 and virus remover 2009. In removing Winibluesoft pop ups, remember not to purchase Winibluesoft to get rid of the infection and viruses in your computer. This might only compromise your financial details. You can fix fix winibluesoft without having to purchase fake internet security software.
Winibluesoft Remover
A frequently recommended free program that can also be used as a winibluesoft removal tool is Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. If you can't access or run malwarebytes in your infected pc, use a clean computer to access and save mbam-setup.exe to a removable drive (usb, cd, etc) and use this drive to install and run the free malware removal program in your winiblusoft infected PC.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Acai Berry Spam in Email
Acai Berry spam emails are on the lose. Some examples of the opening lines of the Acai Berry acai berry scam emails are as follow:
Oprah certified wieght loss solution Acai Berri
Free Trials are While Supplies Last Only
Trials While Supplies Last Only
You want more energy, Acai Berry will increase your energy levels
Labels: bago, Internet security
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Conficker E Removal
The trend micro blog has reported about the emergence of the conficker.e variant on April 7 and those who have the conficker virus become target of fake security software such as the spyware 2009 and SpyProtect 2009 which promise computer virus help. It is advised though not to buy antivirus advertised through pop ups in your computer screen. You can remove conficker e via conficker e remover tools that are available online. This article provides information about conficker e removal:
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Conficker E Detected on April 7
Trend Micro detected the Conficker E variant also known as WORM_DOWNAD.E on April 7, 2009.
Conficker E Characteristics
The Conficker E variant propagates itself through MS08-067 to external IPs if internet is available and uses local IPs if there is no connection. Other Conficker E Characteristics are as follows:
Conficker E is said to have an untrigger date which will be on May 3, 2009 during which it will stop running.
The Conficker E connects,,, and
It does not also leave a trace of itself in the host machine as it runs and deletes all of its traces and files.
Free conficker removal
Additionally, the conficker worm virus reportedly shows hints on how it will be used by its creators to earn money. Researchers at Kaspersky Labs say that the conflicker worm virus downloads the fake security scanner Spyware Protect 2009 into conficker infected PCs in a bid to earn money from people looking for computer infection solution. The Spyware Protect 2009 rogue antivirus is advertised through pop up advertisements. There are free conficker removal tools however that you can use for conficker worm removal. You can check out this article on free Conficker removal programs.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Remove Confickr Virus with Free Conficker Remover
Computers with conficker infection can't access the websites of Symantec, Microsoft, Malwarebytes and other security companies' websites. So what do you do if your PC is already infected by the confickr virus?
Conficker virus fix :
There are free conficker remover tools in the world wide web. The following are some of the links of remover conficker tools that provide cure for conficker infection. The links for the conficker remover tools are provided here just copy and paste them in your browser. You may visit the host sites for more information on how to remove conficker with their conficker removal tool.
Symantec's Conficker (aka Downadup) conficker removal tool:
BitDefender's Anti-Downadup:
Sophos conflicker virus removal tool:
Trend Micro's Cleanup Engine:
Conficker Repair Guide
Since conflicker infected computers may not be able to access and download these conflicker removal tools directly, a good option is to download a conficker removal tool to a computer that is not infected by the conficker virus. After downloading the remover conficker files to a clean computer, copy the remover to a CD or USB and use/run it in the confickr infected computer.
You can also download the Microsoft Conflicker Patch in this same manner as the Windows conficker patch will protect your PC from being infected again. Additionally, it will be best to disable autorun in your computer.