Monday, December 22, 2008

Preventing Viruses on USB Drives

Preventing Viruses on USB Drives will reduce the likelihood of malicious programs,files, viruses and malwares being installed in your PC.

USB drives are one of the ways through which computer viruses are spread. I remember that the annoying funny ust scandal virus which is commonly spread via yahoo messenger also infected other computer users who have used infected usb flash drives. Aside from the funny ust virus, other viruses that are spread through USB dongles and flash drives include ravmon and new folder.exe.

The unfortunate thing about USB viruses, however, is that a number of antivirus programs are reportedly inefficient in detecting and removing malicious programs in the USB drives. This is the reason why it is necessary to observe precautions. How do you prevent usb drive virus from infecting your flash drive? Here are some ways to protect usb to get virus:

Avoid plugging your USB flash drives in virus infected PCs. If you can, avoid plugging your USB drives in public computers that are prone to getting viruses. Some computer users complain of seeing new virus in their PCs after they have plugged their USB flash drives in internet cafés.

Install an antivirus software in your USB. I learned about this while scanning through yahoo answers. The portable version of a particular anti-virus can be installed in the USB removable drive to prevent it from getting Trojans and viruses. Read more about it here.

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