Monday, August 10, 2009

How to Remove Freddy49 Virus

Freddy49 exe is a type of cloaked malware that modifies computer program files and adds a registry key to automatically start program processes on start up. According to, Freddy49 virus is a variant of the koobface worm also known as the conflicker virus.

One notable behavior of the Freddy49 virus is it can read email addresses and phone book details which may further be used to send infectious files, spam and other malicious software to an infected user's contacts. This is one good reason why it is important to remove the freddy49 virus once it infects your PC. Read on to know more how to remove freddy49 virus.
Freddy49 Virus Removal
The easiest way to remove freddy49 malware is to use software that can automatically remove infectious files. If you want to get rid of the freddy49 virus, you may want to use the Prevx antivirus. You can download Prevx 3.0 from this link:

Possible future variants of the Freddy49 include Freddy50.exe, Freddy51.exe, and Freddy52.exe


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