Friday, December 18, 2009

Antivirus Live Virus

Getting rid of antivirus live is highly advised if your computer has been infected because this malware can slow down your system and cause annoying antivirus live popups. If you have the antivirus live malware, you may be interested in reading this article on how to get rid of antivirus live.

Antivirus live information: What is antivirus live ?
"Antivirus live" is a malware that causes your computer to display antivirus live popup. These popups will try to make you believe that there are trojans, viruses and malwares in your pc and then encourages you to purchase the antivirus live fake software.

Antivirus live: Who made this fake spyware protection program
Scammers who want to take advantage of people are responsible for distributing the fake antivrius live. Reportedly, makers of rogue anti virus protection softwares, which include the developers of the antivirus live viru , earn millions by scamming people.

Anti virus live virus and fake anti virus protection softwares
The antivirus live spam is just a clone of many other bogus virus and spyware protection programs which include the security tool virus and personal security malware. Like the antivirus live adware, these fake anti virus protection softwares cause popups that encourage you to purchase a rogue software. The virus antiviruslive will not stop popping up in your pc and can make working online difficult. Get rid of anti virus live and save yourself from trouble. How do you get rid of anti virus live?

Antivirus live free removal: How to remove antivirus live from computer without spending a fortune
Fortunately, "antivirus live" virus can be removed using an "anti virus live" virus free removal tool. The malware removal tool Malwarebytes is popular in removing fake antivirus softwares including the antivirus live, virus. The good thing about this "antivirus live" remove application is that it has a free version that you can use as an antivirus live removal free tool.

How can I get rid of anti virus live using Malwarebytes
Since most fake anti virus protection softwares will prevent you from downloading malware removal tools, you may want to download the malware removal program file using a non infected PC and transfer this file to a removable disk (cd). Use the disk to install and remove the fake antiviruslive in your pc.

Download program to remove antivirus live
To download this malware removal software that can help remove antivirus live from your computer, you may want to visit the official Malwarebytes website. The site will provide you more info on how to cancel antivirus live and many other malwares and fake spyware protection softwares that reside in your PC using the malwarebytes application.


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