Sunday, December 4, 2011

Changed Status Messages in Yahoo Messenger

Bitdefender security researchers report about an unpatched zero day vulnerability in Yahoo messenger that can change users' status messages. The unpatched zero day flaw allows remote attackers to change a yahoo messenger user's status message to spread computer viruses and other malwares or spread spammy/ affiliate links. Victims often do not know that their status message has been hijacked. If your yahoo messenger account has been compromised, and your changed status' catchy message is clicked by your friends in your contact list, they too can become infected without even knowing about it.
Yahoo Messenger Virus
Bitdefender security advises against clicking messages or viewing links or files especially from yahoo messenger users who are not in your contact list. Users who receive messages and files from "strangers" are at a higher risk of getting their yahoo messenger account compromised. Make sure to update your messenger's setting to "ignore anyone who is not in your Yahoo! Contacts."

Many computer viruses in the past have been spread via Yahoo messenger. These include the Funny UST virus. Warn your friends whose status displays suspicious links and messages. Share this post via Facebook or twitter.


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