Thursday, November 29, 2007

Receiving Adsense Payment without Government ID

We had lunch with my parents in law yesterday and since most of the Western Union payout agencies are just a walk away from my in laws’ place, I decided to check out the few remaining western union payout branches that I have not yet inquired about quick cash. I brought along with me a printed copy of my adsense payment details in the hope that I might just be able to get my adsense funds.

Determined not to ask something like “Do you offer Western Union Quick cash service?” (because so far, most of the agents that I have gone to have staffs that do not know what quick cash is), I just asked the staff of a WU payout agency about the difference between Western Union quick cash and Western Union quick pay and because the staff cannot tell the difference, I decided to “verify” if they have quick cash service.

I told the staff that I do not have a government issued ID with me. All I have with me were my employment ID and the agency card that they have given me the first time I claimed money from their agency. I asked if I can get the money without a government ID and they agreed. I just presented to them my employment ID and the agency card. One of the staffs checked my IDs and verified that I have indeed transacted with them before. I was told to submit a photocopy of my ID, asked if my sender is indeed Google Inc. (oh, expect that) and the money was released to me.

Government Issued ID as a Requirement

The reason why Google adsense publishers were advised to bring with them a government issued ID is because Western Union is strict with the ID requirements when releasing funds. Some Western Union branches will require you to present not only 1 but up to 2 to 3 valid IDs when claiming your money. Markku of, for example, was asked to present 2 valid IDs when he withdrew his adsense earnings through Western Union Quick Cash. Presenting a government ID is a security measure to help avoid frauds.

Requirement Waived

Presenting a government issued ID can (at times) be waived provided that staffs of a Western Union agency know the person who claims the money. In my case, it helped that I have already claimed money from the western union payout agency. I also have the agency card that was issued to me earlier for “faster and reliable” future services. (Maybe) it will be quite ironic for the agency not to release me the money this time if I have already transacted with them before and was already issued an agency card.

Conditions Apply

Despite that I was successful in getting my payment without a government issued ID, I intend on using a valid government ID the next time I get my adsense earnings. (I intend on presenting a passport or a postal ID because they are easier and much faster to apply for). Western Union branches (and even Google) can become stricter if there will be reported frauds in the Western Union payouts. Besides, not all Western Union branches offer dollar payouts. Branches that offer dollar payouts are stricter. I want to receive my funds in dollars because WU exchange rate is low. Last but not least, it is still best to do what is right and it is always right to follow instructions. In this case, it is to present a valid government ID when claiming your adsense payment via Western Union.


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