Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Beautiful Free Blog Templates for New Blogger

I have mentioned in my previous post that there is a scarcity of free beautiful templates for blogger. I can say this because I have been scouring online for the best blogger xml templates that I can use for my blogspot blogs. I actually want to download blogger templates for my new blogs. I no longer want to modify the existing custom blogger templates in my older blogs because those blogger beta templates seem to blend well with my google ads.

I am particularly looking for a new blogger template that has been converted from a wordpress theme. Those wordpress templates for blogger will be best for my custom domain blogger blogs. Anyway, I am posting here some sites where you will find beautiful free blogger templates online:
Suckmylolly.com. The blogspot templates from this site are made by someone who want to "ditch generic Blogger templates" so you will know what to expect from the site's blogspot templates. I intend on using this moon and the stars for my insomniac diaries blog.

Freshbloggertemplates.blogspot.com.This site has some wordpress blogger templates. Some of the wordpress themes that have been converted into blogger template including Mr. Techie and Leia are available for downloading from this site.

B-themes.blogspot.com. I am actually using one of B-themes' blogger com templates in one of my blogs, the minyx template for blogger. Here is how the 3 column blogger template looks like:

Pyzam.com.This site is a good source of holiday specific blogger xml templates. It has christmas and new year blogger templates like this one:

Jackbook.com. I have landed on this site while searching for blogger converted wordpress themes such as this dftheme, a 3 column blogger template converted from wordpress template to blogger:

Blogger-templates.blogspot.com is the site to go if you are an avid movie fan. Check out their Shrek xml blogger template:

Geekoo Blog. Make sure to visit this site next Christmas for their beautiful Christmas blogger template:

Myblogspottemplates.blogspot.com also has really nice and one of a kind Christmas blogger templates.

goblogtemplate.blogspot.com. I like the site's Write Without Paper - Paperless Template in particular:

If none of these sites satisfy you though, I recommend you checking out these great posts on blogger templates:

8 Sites with Free Blogspot Templates and Tricks

Blogger xml templates sites

Los 9 mejores templates para blogger (Top Plantillas)

Free Blogger templates for download. The site author also has a number of beautiful blogger templates in his blog.

design by suckmylolly.com