Saturday, December 15, 2007

How to Make a Sitemap for Blogger

If you are using a free hosted blogspot account for your blog and you want search engines, specifically google to index your blog faster, it is important that you submit a sitemap of your blogger blog to Google. Unlike using self hosted blogs like wordpress where you have to upload your sitemap to your web root directory, you merely have to use your blogger site feed url to create and submit a sitemap for blogger. Here is how you can submit your blogger sitemap to google’s webmaster’s tool:

  1. Log in to Webmaster Tools. Use your google account name and password

  2. Enter your blog url and click “add site

  3. Click “sitemaps” and then “Add a Sitemap

  4. Choose “add general web” sitemap in the dropdown menu

  5. Add “atom.xml” minus the quotation marks in the box after

  6. Click “add general web sitemap

  7. You are done.

Please note that your blog’s verification status is still unverified. You can only get access to your site’s comprehensive statistics and error information if you can verify that you are the site owner of the blog. The sitemap that you have submitted, however, will allow your site to be indexed much faster by google.

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