Saturday, April 5, 2008

New adsense alternative for publishers

Google has been releasing a number of new rules recently including the display of a privacy policy in sites that display google adsense. The company also requires their publishers to make google ads distinguishable which can otherwise affect ads click through rates. There were also publishers who were banned from adsense which is why news of companies which can potentially replace adsense as a source of revenue among publishers can really be interesting. Just recently, I read at Techsagar about India's first google ads alternative, Adzant.

I am not sure if Adzant is available to international publishers but I already signed up to receive an email notification once the company becomes fully operational. The company reportedly offers publishers different options for selling ads. I just hope that the ads that will be displayed are targeted to my traffic. I do not want to be posting ads about traveling to France when my blog post is about cooking adobo.

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