Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Freindster Background and Layouts

Freindster, (correctly spelled as friendster) is considered as the most popular social networking site in the Philippines. While Filipinos have friendster alternatives such as the option to showcase their backgrounds, profiles and photos through blogs, many still prefer to check out public and private photos posted by their classmates and friends in services like Friendster.

By having an account and profile at, long lost friends and classmates are able to find and communicate with each other. I opened an account at Friendster a few years back with the encouragement of my husband and since then, I was able to find old friends and classmates who are now based in different parts of the globe.

Background and History
Friendster is founded by Jonathan Abrams in 2002. In 2003 internet giant company google tried to buy the social networking site for $30 million but the offer was turned down. In 2007, Freindster introduced a social & photosharing community, the

Free Layouts and Graphics
The popularity of freindster particularly in the Philippines is perhaps the reason why there have been massive searches on friendster background, friendster free layout and friendster tweaks. Thankfully, users of the social networking site no longer have to settle with the traditional friendster overlay layouts because there are now a number of sites that offer help in hacking friendster and provide skins, tricks and layouts.

Here are some of the hot friendster layout that users can find online:

Anime Friendster layout. Catz19 is a good source of anime layouts for friendster . The site also has friendster crossover layouts such as this one:

Animated Friendster layouts. Here is one of the animated free friendster themes from

freindster code

Emo layouts for friendster. An Emo love layout from

free friendster backgrounds

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