Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Antivirus XP Removal

I was working in my PC today when an adult site suddenly popped out of my screen. I had difficulty closing Porntube and a pop out message warned me that I have spyware in my computer. The pop out message encouraged me to scan my PC using an antivirus XP software from seems suspicious so I searched for more information about this Antivirus XP 2008 and here are some of the things that I have gathered from the world wide web. offers fake antivirus software?

According to a comment at McAfee site advisor, the site offers a fake antivirus software which means that the link AntivirusXP2008Installer.exe that is downloaded when you click the scan your system for free now link may actually bring more harm to your PC.

An analysis from also results in AntivirusXP2008Installer.0xeto be identified as follows:

  • Fraud tool (DR/FraudTool.XPAntivirus.MA.1 from AntiVir)

  • Adware ( Adware.XpAntivirus.AJ from BitDefender)

  • Trojan (Trojan.Peed.IG from ClamAV)

If you get to arrive to this site, make sure not to click or download anything.

How to Get Rid of Antivirus XP

To remove avxp08.exe, delete it from the control panel but if it is not there do the following:

1. Launch the task manager by pressing ctrl + alt + del

2. Look for the avxp08.exe in the processes tab and press the end process button

3. Delete the avxp08 folder under c:\program files \

You may also use malwarebytes, a free malware removal tool if you do not know how to get rid of the antivirus xp 2008 virus:

Malware Bites

screen shot of Fake antivirus software

Have you downloaded a fake antivirus from this site?

Other fake anti virus protection programs that now proliferate online include antivirus system pro



Blogspot Blogs, Google Ads used to Spread Malwares said...

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wen said...

Remove get_flash_update.exe downloaded from CNN Daily Top 10 Spam said...

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Blogspot Blogs, Google Ads used to Spread Malwares said...

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