Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wordpress 2.6 Now Available for Download

The "stable" version of Wordpress 2.6 is now available and wordpress users who have not yet upgraded to this latest version will see the upgrade to wordpress 2.6 link in their dashboard.

Problems with Wordpress 2.6

I already upgraded one of my sites today using the Wordpress Automatic Upgrade plugin and here are some of the troubles I have encountered so far:

The Wordpress automatic upgrade plugin was not be able to re activate my plugins so for those who are using Automatic Upgrade plugin, it will be a good thing to save a copy of your active plugins first before upgrading.

Some of my plugins won't work. Actually this is inevitable but I hope plugin authors will be able to upgrade their plugins too so they can work well with newer versions of wordpress.

Wordpress 2.6 features

What made me decide to upgrade to WP 2.6  ASAP is because of the theme preview feature. I always put my site on maintenance mode every time I want to make changes with my themes. Of course the Word count feature also comes handy particularly when I make commissioned posts which require specific number of words. Honestly though, I still have to really try out and familiarize myself with the features of this new WP version.

For more information on wordpress 2.6, watch this video:


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