Friday, September 5, 2008

5 Guaranteed Ways to Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings

I started using adsense some time in 2006 but because I did not earn from it, I stopped using adsense until March 2007* when I decided to display google ads in my site again. This time, however, I have been receiving adsense payouts regularly and for the past three months this year, I noticed an increase in my google ads earnings. How did I do it?  Here are five tips that can help you increase your adsense profits, these are the things that I did which increased my adsense clicks and earnings:

1. Observe how successful sites use and display google ads. Some of the bloggers who earn lots of money from adsense may not tell you their tricks and strategies but you will know if you take time to read and study their websites. Where do they place the ads? What ad size do they commonly use? Try to apply "their ways" on your site, the strategies may work for your site too.

2. Use adsense for search. If you are using a search form in your site, why not use adsense for search box instead? Ads displayed in the results page are targeted and likely related to what your site visitors are looking for and so increases the chances of them clicking the ads.

3. If you are your site's visitor, will you click the google ads? Ask yourself. Will you notice and be likely interested in the ads located at the bottom of your site?

4. Learn SEO. Who will click your google ads if you don't have site visitors? Do you know that visitors who come from search engines are likely to click your ads than visitors who just clicked your link in a fellow blogger's sidebar? This is the reason why learning SEO is crucial. I recommend reading SEO ebooks such as Dan Thies' SEO Fast Start.

5. Take heed of adsense tips, tricks and advices. Don't be hard headed. If the adsense help center tells to blend, complement or contrast color palettes of your ads to your site's background, then do it. This also goes true with ad formats. I also advice reading blogs that tackle about selecting profitable niche and keywords.

*Content scrapers would steal contents from my blog and post them in Made for Adsense sites. My husband encouraged me to use adsense again so I can get financial benefits from my posts too.

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