Monday, November 10, 2008

ClickCulture Special Offers Spam

Politics is indeed one of the best subjects that can be used by spammers these days to catch the attention of their recipients. After the "Bush killed Michelle Obama" spam MSN featured offers email, another set of election related email spam messages are hitting email accounts. This time, it does not come from a hoax CNN or MSN offer but from "ClickCulture special offers". One of these emails has the subject "McCain election was framed up" and indeed for unsuspecting McCain supporters and even Obama voters may unknowingly click the links on the email and send a computer virus to their PC.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="574" caption="Click Culture spam display images of viagra pills for sale online"]Click Culture spam display images of viagra pills for sale online[/caption]

This is the free downloads for spam message from this Click Culture spam:

You have received this message because you opted in to receives ClickCulture pecial
offers via email. Login to your member account to edit your email subscription .
Click here to unsubscribe.

The spammers also included this phrase:
"If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view."

The link however leads to some other site that may install computer viruses worms and malwares in one's computer.

How to stop receiving the ClickCulture Special Offers Spam

Getting rid of computer viruses is quite a challenging task but having a reliable email spam filter may help. Barracuda spam software is quite popular but you may also try using free spam filter and freeware anti spam applications.

Even if you have installed a spam arrest software in your PC, please do not click any links on these kind of dangerous emails regardless how legitimate and risk free these links look.

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