Thursday, March 12, 2009

Google Redirect Virus Removal

Does your computer keep doing google redirects? If you suspect that a google virus keeps you from visiting sites that you want to visit, or what appears to be a browser redirect virus prevents you from getting the search results you wanted when researching online, you may want to read this article on google redirect virus removal. A step by step guide on yahoo and google redirect fix is provided below.

The yahoo or google redirect virus may keep you redirected to a different website other than the one you intend to visit. Redirects from google or yahoo may be symptoms of a presence of a virus or malware such as a fake antivirus infection. Instead of seeing an old familiar website that you used to visit, the search redirect virus may lead you to an adult site or a page that bombards you with ads.

How to fix google redirect virus
You must fix google redirect problem in your computer as soon as possible. It is difficult to surf the web when you keep landing on a different page and it is annoying when google redirects to ads. Moreover, you will not like the idea of children seeing websites that are not appropriate for them. For your google search redirect fix, you can follow the google redirect virus removal guide below.

Browser redirect fix: How to Remove Google Redirects

  • Get the tdsskiller from this link: If you can't download the file in your google search redirect virus infected computer, use a clean PC to download the program and transfer tdsskiller to your infected PC via a removable drive.

  • Rename TDSSKiller by rightclicking on the TDSSKiller.exe icon and select rename.

  • Run the program and click the start scan button . TDSSKiller will scan your computer and will display the malicious objects it has found. Click on the Continue button and TDSSKiller will clean the infection.

  • You will see a report stating whether the program was successful in cleaning the infection or not. Reboot your computer when prompted.

  • Scan your PC with Malwarebytes.

  • When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results. Be sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected. Reboot your computer if prompted.

The comments below may also provide you with other browser redirect fix options and other relevant information. You may also share your experience or recommend other options for google redirect removal.

Make sure that you use a reliable anti virus protection software in your computer so you will be protected from computer viruses and malwares. There is an increasing number of computer viruses and you can avoid the hassles of dealing with google redirect viruses by using a reliable pc security software.


david said...

i found a google virus if u ad this code to google search cache:23V3TONqPTUJ: + anny web url it makes a troggen virus that trys to atack u ryth there said...

Thanks for the info! I've been dealing with this problem for the last few months. Hopefully this will fix the problem! said...

I just ran the GooredFix problem which was extremely simple and then let it reboot. Problem 100% Fixed!!! Thank You very very much for pointing out this solution - now less time wasted on a daily basis. Even my McAfee Virus program looks like it is downloading updates - something that hasn't happened since July 22, 2009. :)

lariots said...

cheers for that

Leslie said...

This did not work for me. I've run it and rebooted twice - same issue of redirect in google sitll happening. Help! What else is there to do?

This is what it says when I run it:

C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\
{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} [02:35 29/03/2009]
{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA} [19:28 01/04/2009]

"{3112ca9c-de6d-4884-a869-9855de68056c}"="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Google\Toolbar for Firefox\{3112ca9c-de6d-4884-a869-9855de68056c}" [20:58 07/06/2009]
"{20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}"="c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Windows Presentation Foundation\DotNetAssistantExtension\" [17:17 23/08/2009]


sam said...

thank you so much. i've tried everything to get rid of that stupid redirect, but nothing worked. this was so simple and easy. you are a life saver.

John said...

Why isn't this working for me?!

Eldon said...

Thank you so much! I ran the application and it resolved the issue IMMEDIATELY!!!!! I will definitely tell all of my friends about this.

Earthcruiser said...

Win XP serv pack 2 Gooredfix...,Didn't work, still get redirect with when trying to click on a link. I have to copy and paste to get anywhere...,It was a try though. Watch out for C.exe, A.exe, and B.exe they are a pain and have to be manually removed. McAfee can't see them.

Debra said...

did not work at all...

reedj04 said...

I tried Trbear's Hitman 3.5 from CNET. It WORKED !!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you

LarryFromVegas said...

I did not try GooRedFix, but after hours of hard research work, I came across this solution---HitMan Pro (ver 3.5 is the latest as of this writing). It fixed my Google & Yahoo Redirect Virus.
The file culprit was named 7n8001.sys and was located in the Drivers sub-directory under C:\Windows\System32.

It took several hours of research and experimentation before I came upon this solution. I found the software on CNet. Looks like it's free for 30 days. It's a cloud computing solution. If you try deleting or renaming the virus yourself, it regenerates itself. It's nasty and persistent.

As of today, 1/20/2010, the latest updates for AVG, Malwarebytes, Spybot Search & Destroy, and AdAware could

neilakoga said...

thanks guys. hitman pro saved me hours of sifting through programs and sites trying to find a solution. it's the first thing i've ever downloaded like this that i seriously might purchase. panic over!

lyubove said...

I’ve run GooredFix and rebooted twice but it didn't do anything.

Then I tried Trbear’s Hitman 3.5 from CNET and it worked beautifully. Seemed to fix everything.. comes with a free 30 day trial.

Thank you soooooooooo much(-:

EG said...

Hitman 3.5 at CNET worked for me....

AtALoss said...

Hitman Pro 3.5 did not work for me. I've tried everything else.

bigbird said...

Hitman 3.5 does work. I have been plagued by this virus for a month and tried everything. It takes about ten minutes to remove the .dll file which is the culprit imbedded in system 32. It also found 5 other trojans that AVG, Spybot and Microsoft Essential security missed! I was so happy, I bought it.

jj said...

I gotta say I spent 2 days (my days off) looking up a solution for google redirect virus and came up with nothing. From a different computer it took me 10 min and the solution was HITMAN 3.5

Chad Wild said...

I spent the past 14 hours scanning my computer with almost 7 new and different programs. I read articles and forums all with different ways of getting rid of the Google Redirect at 3:00am I see your site here. I figure ahh who cares lets download another one and see...well low and behold it worked. I found 4 malicious malware programs and also a new one from my blackberry desktop program that was uploaded to the hitmans parent company site. So I thank you so much for this article you saved me a tone of stress and now i can finally go to bed in piece.

Chad Wild said...

Yes the hitman program is my new security blanket and BFF I love the fact it picked up 4 viruses that 7 others programs didnt. I had a good sleep after I cleared my PC. Thanks for the advice and help.

dude said...

Hitman did the jobb!!!
Thank u!

Chad Wild said...

No Problem DUDE..thats why we are here. I lucked out..I have seen dozens upon dozens of ways to deal with that virus, and low and behold i find this way and it works like a charm.

40 said...

I downloaded Hitman 3.5, scanned the viruses, deleted them, but still have that "google redirect virus". Any other suggestions? Thank you

max said...

Hitman didn't do anything. I also tried Avast, Malwarebytes, Ad Aware and Spybot. I still have that "Google redirect virus," however, it higjacks search results in Internet Explorer, Mozilla and not just from google,,, every search engine I've tried.. Any suggestions?

Steve B said...

I was reading on another forum that Hitman Pro 3.x was also the latest champion at eliminating the latest string of Google redirect malware, along with Malwarebytes. But turns out these two programs just won't cut it, and that's what I'm getting from other people posting here. We need another suggestion for this variant. And for the record, formatting my computer won't do the trick either... Little bastards come back to haunt me through the network I'm assuming... But I can't even install the latest version of Zone Alarm since I need SP1 for Vista!

cross said...

im still getting redirected used everything mentioned here and still struggling with it....any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

whatev said...

Just wanted to let you know, I have macafee. They do not detect the redirect virus on my computer and when I contacted them they wanted to charge me $89 to remove what the macafee virus scan could not find. I dropped macafee on principal, what a bunch of scumbags.

Homeslice said...

Hitman Pro did not solve the problem for me. I have Ad-Aware, McAfee, Malwarebytes, Hitman Pro...NOTHING WILL WORK! I may be stuck with the "Google Redirect" virus forever. SOMEONE HELP ME!

Surjit said...

Yes I an also the victim of the dreaded redirect and its very annoying. I have Norton Internet Security 2010 and fully updated BUT it will not detect this virus and like "whatev" Norton wants to charge me £69.99 to clean my PC and I have 6 PC license with them (imagine 6X £69.99). I am totally disgussed with them. But McAfee, Norton, Kaspersky etc have NO fix what-so-ever and people like us are left to our own means to get rid of this virus. What a joke these anti virus companies are. And also why is Google keeping very quiet about this after all thay must be losing money as the users are not "seeing" the advert on their searches? I have tried Hitman 3.5 ,TSDDkiller, Combofix etc but no luck. I even rebuilt my PC from scratch and reinstalled Norton and Microsoft defender and fully updated with Microsoft updates but upon using google it was back again. noe I am totally lost. What more I can do? Any clever cloggs out there I need HELP. I wish all you a very good day

Ron S said...

If you copy and paste the link from the google search results into your address bar and hit "enter", instead of clicking on the link, you usually will not be redirected. Not a fix, but a work around until you find a fix. I am still searching.

kim said...

panda cloud and spyware terminator seem to work at blocking the search engine redirect out pretty well.have tried alot of the rest [free spyware,pctools,combofix,etc.] some of which worked intially but then the virus came back and so on.

choco said...

Alright. Got this virus about monday. Today is wednesday.

Did system destruct/Reformat disks on monday. Reinstalled antivirus and everything then all of a sudden the ads and shit popped up and i was spammed with the trojans and shit again

downloaded hitman, malwarebytes, avenger, all that shit. Its still here. Gjob Google and all the damn antivirus companies. You know what, viruses arent natural in computers. people created them for money, thats why your system breaks down and shit so you have to buy a brand new computer.

Elider Desir said...

I've had the same problem, then I landed on a website that help me out alot and I'm grateful for that, here it is,

Jay Haske said...

The Google search redirect virus is a total pain - it's actually a browser hijack. When you conduct a Google search and click on a link, the virus injects itself into your computer during the redirection process, sends you to another website and then disappears.

This is why traditional antivirus, malware and spyware programs cannot detect it - it doesn't stay active long enough.

Anup Raman said...

You may also try removing google redirect virus manually Video tutorial included. said...

windows xp cleanup utility download

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