Friday, March 20, 2009

Web MD Daily Spam

Online scammers continue to take advantage of popular websites when sending malicious links and emails. Recently, spammers have been sending the Web MD Daily Spam. These emails attempt to deceive recipients into believing that they receive newsletters from the popular health website WebMD.

These unsolicited Web MD Daily emails, however, were sent by online scammers. Notice that the links attached to the email are directed to other sites and not to These links may contain malicious codes that when installed in your computer may cause computer infection problems.

If you want to remove the Web MD Daily Spam, it is best NOT to click the unsubscribe links provided in the email. You cannot also get rid of Web MD Daily Spam by sending a message to the email provided the Web MD Daily Spam message. The best you can do is to mark these messages as spam and be careful not to visit any of the attached links. You may also eliminate spam in your email by using an efficient anti spam software.

Web MD Daily Thursday Spam message:

5 Food Mistakes
You May Be Making

You think you're doing things right when it comes to healthy eating. But things like buying too much fresh produce at one time can actually turn sour. Fresh-Food Rules to Live By

Also See:
• WebMD Evaluates the Fruit Flush Diet
• Getting to the Bottom of the Carb Controversy
• 5 Vital Nutrients Kids Need

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