Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Remove Confickr Virus with Free Conficker Remover

Computers with conficker infection can't access the websites of Symantec, Microsoft, Malwarebytes and other security companies' websites. So what do you do if your PC is already infected by the confickr virus?

Conficker virus fix :

There are free conficker remover tools in the world wide web. The following are some of the links of remover conficker tools that provide cure for conficker infection. The links for the conficker remover tools are provided here just copy and paste them in your browser. You may visit the host sites for more information on how to remove conficker with their conficker removal tool.

Symantec's Conficker (aka Downadup) conficker removal tool:

BitDefender's Anti-Downadup:

Sophos conflicker virus removal tool:

Trend Micro's Cleanup Engine:

Conficker Repair  Guide

Since conflicker infected computers may not be able to access and download these conflicker removal tools directly, a good option is to download a conficker removal tool to a computer that is not infected by the conficker virus. After downloading the remover conficker files to a clean computer, copy the remover to a CD or USB and use/run it in the confickr infected computer.
You can also download the  Microsoft Conflicker Patch in this same manner as the Windows conficker patch will protect your PC from being infected again. Additionally, it will be best to disable autorun in your computer.

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