Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu Spam

Scammers are taking advantage of the Swine Flu scare to send spam messages and people who want more information about the outbreak may likely be enticed to open spam emails that contain swine flu subjects.

According to McAfee, about two percent of all spam messages now contain the words swine and flu. Because of the current swine flu outbreak, spammers have been sending swine flu related spam messages to entice people to read their mails. Before you believe in an email with such subjects as "Salma Hayek caught swine flu" or "Obama exposed to swine flu", you may just want to check first who sent you the email. Cybercriminals may also take advantage of the outbreak to send emails and links that contain malware (computer viruses, worms, etc).

Email and internet users can help protect themselves from these malicious emails and scam attacks by making use of spam filters or span blockers. Switching to email programs with better spam filtering service is also a good option particularly if you are currently using a web based email service program with inefficient spam solution.

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