Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Personal Antivirus Removal

What is the Personal Antivirus Virus?
Personal Antivirus is another fake anti-spyware program and works much like the spywareprotect2009. The personal antivirus malware advertises computer security threat alerts and pop ups in you computer to encourage you to get license for personal antivirus. How do i get rid of personal antivirus? Keep reading this article to learn more about the personal antivirus trojan and the options you have to delete personal antivirus free.

Personal Antivirus Scam
The malicious Personal Antivirus is not a legitimate software application and as such, can never be entrusted to get rid viruses and harmful programs in your computer. You can neither find a free activation code for personal antivirus because the developer created this application to earn money from unsuspecting infected users. It is advised that you do not click on the links provided in these fake security alerts much more download or purchase the personal antivirus activation code. If you worry about the continuous alerts and personal antivirus popup in your pc, there are ways on how to remove personal antivirus instructions pop ups without getting scammed by this fake pav personal antivirus. How do I remove personal antivirus? Read on to learn how to get rid of personal antivirus.

How to Remove Personal Antivirus Free

If you are interested to know how to remove personal antivirus for free, there are free tools that you can use as a personal antivirus removal tool and you can use them to uninstall personal antivirus without having to make a purchase. One of these free personal antivirus software remover is Malwarebytes.

You can read more on how to use this antimalware program for personal antivirus removal for free here:

Malware Bites
Free personal antivirus remover

If you have difficulty deleting personal antivirus because you can't download the Malwarebytes free personal antivirus removal tool to your computer, you may want to download the malwarebytes files to a removable drive using another non infected computer and use this drive to install the program to your PC.

If you have a hard time removing personal antivirus from your computer using this application, you may want to use other means such as do a manual personal antivirus uninstall.

personal antivirus removal free

Personal Antivirus Manual Removal
You can uninstall personal antivirus without using Malwarebytes. You can follow this remove personal antivirus instructions provided by

Remove personal antivirus manually:

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and end the following processes

PerAvir.exe unins000.exe services.exe winlogon.exe

Locate and delete the following

Personal Antivirus.lnk Personal Antivirus Home Page.lnk Purchase License.lnk settings.ini uill.ini unins000.exe Uninstall Personal Antivirus.lnk config.cfg Timeout.inf Urls.inf log.txt pguard.ini services.exe activate.ico Explorer.ico PerAvir.exe unins000.dat uninstall.ico working.log DBInfo.ver ia080614.db ia080618x.db IAEs.lng IAFr.lng IAGer.lng IAIt.lng winlogon.exe iGSh.png iMSh.png iPSh.png iv.exe pguard.ini
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Personal Antivirus
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Personal Antivirus
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Personal Antivirus\db
c:\Program Files\Personal Antivirus
c:\Program Files\Personal Antivirus\db
c:\Program Files\Personal Antivirus\Languages

Click Start, type Regedit.exe, press enter and delete the following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Personal Antivirus_is1
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer "PrS"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Personal Antivirus"

* This article provides information on the removal of personal antivirus spam

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