Saturday, February 16, 2008

How to Avoid Getting a Yahoo Messenger Virus

I was in Zamboanga last week and since I do not have a laptop, I go through the hassle of going to an internet cafe to open my email and chat with my hubby. While I was busy chatting, I noticed that a yahoo messenger virus infected my IM account. I know this because my yahoo messenger status automatically changes and it displays some incomprehensible foreign words. My online buddies were also telling me that I got another virus in my yahoo messenger (the first and worst being the funny UST scandal virus.

I do not know how I got the virus since I did not click any link or file in my yahoo messenger at all. I think that most computers in (hardly maintained) computer shops are really vulnerable to viruses. Anyway, microsoft offers some tips on how to avoid getting an IM or yahoo messenger virus:

1. Avoid clicking on links and accepting files in your IM. That is, if you do not know the sender or you think the person sending the file or showing the link is least likely going to do that in his sane mind. Verify with the sender if he is really sending a link or what shows up in his account is a yahoo messenger virus.

2. Use updated IM software. Updated and newer IM software versions are updated to combat against security and virus threats. Now I know why I should not be lazy in updating my IM software.

3. Use updated antispyware and antivirus software. Anti spyware and anti virus software that are not updated may not be able to identify and protect the computer from malicious spywares and virus that may attack your PC and yahoo messenger.

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