Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Is it wise to spend PhP 6K for a make money online seminar?

Pinoyblogero has blogged about his and other bloggers' opinions about the 6,000 peso make money online seminar. Here are my reasons why I too will not attend a seminar that charges that amount to teach people how to earn money online:

I have free and better alternatives to paying 6000 to learn how to make money online. Attending bloggers fellowships like the Mindanao blogger summit is one of the best and guaranteed ways to learn how to make money online. I got a list of some online jobs during the October MBS1. I also met bloggers who gave me inputs on how I can monetize my websites. I do not only get inputs from people who really earn online, I also get to meet new friends.

Why pay when I can google for ways to make money online? In fact, I have an online jobs blog where I have compiled a list of online jobs and ways on making money online that I have found in other sites and forums.

The organizers of the seminar may have good intentions but PhP 6,000 for a make money online seminar tackling adsense, affiliate marketing and paid blog reviews is just too expensive. It is like buying a 6,000 peso book that I have the option to borrow from my friends.I believe that this particular seminar is targeted for those who are not yet familiar with the online economy but I hope that before people register to attend this seminar, they will realize that what will be presented in the seminar may be already available online. They just need the patience to find ways how they can make money online. They also need some logical thinking to understand that not everyone who embarks in earning online will be as financially successful as Abe Olandres and yeah, the self proclaimed dot com mogul. Of course, they also need to have some common sense to avoid getting ripped off by scammers that lurk in the world wide web.

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