Monday, March 3, 2008

PPC observations and website monetization programs

I used to equate pay per click (PPC) programs success to the traffic of my blogs. The more visitors my site receives, the more money I can generate from google adsense or bidvertiser. My conception was however proven wrong these past few months. My showbiz blog, actually used to get a lot of visitors (thanks to the Marimar mania). It shows a page impression of 800 to 1000 plus. My online jobs site, on the other hand, Jobzonline only registers less than 150 page impressions a day. Nevertheless, Jobzonline earns far more than telebabadqueen. The reason? Page Ecpm. Telebabad Queen’s page Ecpm can be as lower than one dollar.

I have therefore wanted to try other website monetization programs to see if they can work with my high traffic blogs with low PPC income. Yesterday, I have signed up for what people popularly call “pay per play”. I still have to go through the tutorial today so I can understand the program better and hopefully earn more money from url's of my blogs. What made me sign up is the fact that my visitors need NOT make any click for me to earn from the program. Based on’s video, visitors merely have to listen to a 5 seconds audio and that is it. I hope that this concept will help me maximize the number of visitors that I receive in my sites.


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