Tuesday, September 22, 2009

AntiSpy Protector 2009

Antispy Protector 2009 is a misleading and fake anti virus program that displays fake scan results and security warnings so that infected users will think that their computer has spywares and malwares that need to be removed. Learn more about antispy protector malware by reading this article.

What is this antispy protector alert?
The alerts that you see telling you that you have security threats in your PC are caused by the antispy protector virus infection, a malware that promotes a bogus pc security program. By displaying fake scans and alerts, antispyprotector may be able to lure people into downloading and purchasing the bogus anti virus protection software they call anti spy protector 2009. Antispy protector is just another version of other rogue pc security applications such as personal guard, antivirus pro 2010, total security and nortel antivirus.

It is NOT recommended that you purchase the rogue program to get rid of antispy protector. You can uninstall antispy protector infection from your PC by using malwarebytes, a free program to get rid of antispy protector. To learn how to use malwarebytes as an antispy protector removal tool, visit this link: Malware Bites


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