Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to Delete WinPC Defender Virus from Your Computer

WindowsPC Defender (aka Win PC virus or pc win defender) is a rogue anti virus protection. Similar fake PC security softwares that attempt to impersonate as legitimate anti virus programs include AV Green, antivirus pro 2010 and the Police Pro Virus. Keep reading this article to learn how to delete windpc defender virus from your computer.

Adaware Winpc Defender
The winpc defender rogue antivirus security program is best described as a scareware as it attempts to scare off people so they would purchase a full version of the WinPC bogus antivirus. Once the winpc defender virus gets installed into your system, it will display pop ups showing fake scan results and tell you to buy the full version of the software to keep your system protected. Aside from causing annoying pop ups, PC win defender can also slow down your PC performance and limit your internet usage which is why it is very important to remove winpc defender adware from your system as soon as its symptoms start to show up. How do you remove winpc defender?

winpc defender delete
winpc defender remove

How Do i Get Rid of Winpc Defender?
Good thing there are ways on how to remove winpc defender from your PC. You do not have to purchase the winpc defender antivirus program to get rid of winpc defender. There are software to delete winpc defender but the most notable of these softwares is the Malwarebytes Antimalware which you can use as a winpc defender removal tool.

How to Delete Winpc Defender with Malwarebytes

Please read How to Use Malwarebytes Anti Malware under this article to learn how you can use Malwarebytes as a free winpc defender removal tool:

Malware Bites
malware removal free tool
Alternatively, you can use manual winpc defender free removel. You can read the following posts for more information:


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