Friday, September 4, 2009

Antivirus Pro 2010

Antivirus Pro 2010 is another malware that causes pop up warnings in your PC. If you need help on av pro 2010 removal, you may want to follow the instructions on how to get rid of 2010 anti-virus download provided in this post. This article provides information on av pro 2010 virus removal.

As its anti virus program name suggests, Antivirus Pro 2010 aka the AV Pro virus is likely another scareware that attempts to lure those who do not have an idea how to remove antivirus pro 2010 pop ups to spend money on a fake antivirus security software.

Antivirus Pro 2010 and Rogue Computer Antivirus Programs
Rogue computer virus softwares generally show bogus scan alerts but can also potentially damage your system. Antivirus Pro 2010, just like any other bogus virus checker programs including the vista antivirus pro 2010 virus and antivirus xp2010, may install malware in your PC without your consent and slow down the processes in your computer. Antivirus pro 2010 virus may even prevent legitimate pc security applications from running in your computer. Question: How do i get rid of antivirus pro 2010?

Virus antivirus pro 2010 removal: How to Remove Antivirus Pro 2010

As always, malwarebytes is recommended as an antivirus pro 2010 removal tool. It is often used in getting rid of malwares such as antivirus pro 2010.

Free antivirus 2010 removal tool
For information on how to get rid of antivirus 2010 using this antiviruspro 2010 defender tool, visit this link:

Malware Bites
free antivirus pro 2010 removal tool

If you have a hard time using this antivirus 2010 pro removal application for anti virus pro 2010 removal, you may want to rename the MBAM.exe file or use a removable drive to install the software in your computer.

Manual anti virus pro removal
As an alternative to using the free antivirus pro removal tool malwarebytes, you may want to use a manual antivirus pro 2010 remove process.This is how to get rid of Antivirus Pro 2010 manually:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to start Task Manager and end the following antivirus 2010 braviax and related processes (if they exist):


2. Locate and delete the following folders or files:

C:\Program Files\AntivirusPro_2010\
C:\Program Files\Antivirus Pro 2010\AntivirusPro_2010.exe

3. Click Start, type Regedit.exe and press Enter. From your Registry, locate and delete the following registry keys:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Antivirus Pro 2010
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Antivirus Pro 2010

Antiviruspro 2010 virus is an annoying infection that displays antivirus pro 2010 popup windows and getting rid of antivirus pro 2010 can be tricky particularly because the antivirus pro 2010 fake developers constantly update this anti virus pro 2010 infection to be immune against online guides on how to delete antivirus pro 2010. It is therefore important that after successful removal of antivirus pro 2010, you guard you computer from similar other av.exe antivirus infections by using reliable anti virus protection softwares. The
av.exe antivirus pro 2010 may have also gotten into your system when you visit malicious sites so observe caution when surfing the net or downloading contents.

Related post on removing antivirus pro 2010:
How to get rid of the antivirus pro 2010:


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