Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cyber Protection Center Virus Removal

Cyber Protection Center is another type of rogue antivirus protection tool that displays false system scans and adverts in an attempt to deceive users of infected computers so they will purchase this rogue cyber antivirus protection program.This article on cyber protection virus removal provides information on how to remove cyber protection virus for free:

What is Cyber Protection Center?
You may call it the cyber virus, the cyber security protection virus or by any other name but Cyber Protection Antivirus is plainly a fake anti virus protection tool, a non working security tool that merely masquerades as a software that can remove trojans and malwares. The cyber protection software is not like mcafee, Norton and AVG because cyber protect is a hoax antivirus software.

The cyber protection security virus, like most other rogue pc security software programs, may cause your computer to work slower. The cyber security virus protection pop ups also make it difficult to use your pc which is why it is necessary to remove protection center virus infection from infected computers. Cyber Protection virus removal is necessary to get rid of these problems.

Similar other rogue pc security software programs include the cyber security virus, the safefighter virus and the security tool virus. It is important that you uninstall cyber protect av virus from your pc.

How do I get rid of cyber protection center
You may want to follow this guide on how to get rid of cyber protection center virus. This will provide you with the information you need on how to remove cyber virus:

Free Cyber protection center removal : How to Remove the Cyber Virus without spending money
If you need help on how to remove cyber protection center virus, you may want to remove this rogue pc security tool using this cyber security virus remove guide from

How to uninstall cyber protection manually

Delete Cyber Protection Center processes:

Cyber Protect registry entries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Cyber Protection Center
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run\wow64main.exe
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run "Random Letters and Numbers"

Unregister the following cyber protection centre virus DLL libraries:

Remove cyber protection centre related files:
%Program Files%\CPC\cpc.exe
%Program Files%\CPC\cyberprotectioncenter.exe
%Program Files%\CPC\system.dat
Cyber Protection Center.lnk

Free Cyber Protection Removal Tool
How do i get rid of cyber protection for free without having to go through those manual processes? You may want to run Malwarebytes to get rid of cyberprotect virus. This free to download software can be used as a a cyber protection remove tool.

If you can't download Malwarebytes cyber virus removal tool in your infected PC, try to download it via a clean computer. Burn the file to a cd and use this in your cyber virus infected computer.

For more information on how to use this Cyber Protection Center virus remover, visit this link:
Malware Bites
cyber virus protection remover

You may get free cyber protection remover from the official Malwarebytes website.


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