Thursday, October 22, 2009


Softveteran av or the softveteran online protection is a fake anti virus protection software that that causes your computer to display fake system scans that popup in your screen to tell you there are computer threats in your pc. These softveteran popups will then prompt you to purchase the soft veteran online protection. Unfortunately, this fake soft veteran av is a rogue computer antivirus software, never ever buy this software. You have an option though for a free soft veteran removal. This article on soft veteran virus removal will provide you information on how to remove softveteran virus for free.

What is Soft veteran?
softveteran delete freeFor those who wonder what is softveteran , the softveteran virus is just another version of many other fake anti virus protection softwares which include the soft copsecurity tool virus and cyber security virus. How do you know that what you have is the virus soft veteran and that it is a rogue software? If you do not remember having installed Soft veteran antivirus in your PC but your computer shows system scans from a soft veteran antivirus and you are prompted to purchase an update or full version, what you have is a malware. Please note that the soft veteran malware was created to deceive people. Do not purchase or download the soft veteran update.

How do i uninstall soft veteran?
The good thing is that you do not need to pay for a softveteran update and be scammed by the softveteran - online protection developers as you have an option for a soft veteran virus free removal. Soft veteran virus can be removed without paying for anything.

How to Remove Soft veteran Virus
Manual and free softveteran removal
You may want to follow this soft veteran remove guide provided by
Delete Soft veteran files:
1 SoftVeteran.lnk
2 Homepage.lnk
3 Uninstall.lnk

Delete Soft veteran malware registry entries:
Run “jqd4.tmp.exe”
Run “SoftVeteran”

Soft Veteran Removal Tool
Malwarebytes can also be used as a free soft veteran removal tool. Although this softveteran remove tool has a pro version, the free version of this free malware removal program is adequate enough to get rid of malwares and rogue antivirus protection softwares such as the virus softvetaren. For information on how to get rid of softveteran antivirus pop ups using this Malwarebytes, visit this link:

Malware Bites
Free soft veteran remover

Note on soft veteran removal process: Most rogue pc security programs and many malwares including the virus softveteran may prevent you from downloading malwarebytes. What to do:

Use a non infected pc to download Malwarebytes soft veteran free removal tool
Rename malwarebytes and save the  file to a CD.
Boot your computer in safe mode by tapping F8 when your pc restarts
Install the program using the cd mentioned above and follow the prompts as your softveteran removal guide.


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