Sunday, October 18, 2009

Soft Cop Virus

Soft Cop av is a fake computer antivirus software that that causes your computer to display system scans and soft cop warning popups to tell you there are computer threats in your system. These SoftCop popups will then prompt you to purchase Soft Cop online protection. Unfortunately, this fake Soft Cop av is a rogue anti virus protection software but you have an option for a free Soft Cop removal. This article provides you information on how to remove SoftCop virus for free.

What is Softcop online protection?
What is soft cop? The malware soft cop is just another version of many other fake anti virus protection softwares which include Security Tool Virus, Active Security Virus and the Soft Soldier Virus. How do you know that what you have is the virus Soft Cop and that it is a rogue antivirus protection software? If you do not remember having installed Soft Cop antivirus in your PC yet it shows system scans from a Soft Cop antivirus and you are prompted to purchase an update or full version, what you have is a malware. Please note that the Soft Cop malware was created to scam people. Do not purchase or download the Soft Cop update. Soft Cop virus , however, can be removed without spending money. Read on and learn how to remove softcop free:

How to Remove Soft Cop Free of Charge
You may want to follow this Soft Cop remove guide provided by for your guide on how to get rid of soft cop:
Delete Soft Cop files:
%CommonPrograms%\SoftCop\1 SoftCop.lnk
%CommonPrograms%\SoftCop\2 Homepage.lnk
%CommonPrograms%\SoftCop\3 Uninstall.lnk
%ProgramFiles%\SoftCop Software\SoftCop\SoftCop.exe
%ProgramFiles%\SoftCop Software\SoftCop\uninstall.exe

Delete softcop malware registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “SoftCop”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “asx13.tmp.exe”

Free softcop removal software

Malwarebytes can be used as a free Soft Cop removal tool. For information on how to get rid of SoftCop antivirus pop ups using this application, visit this link:

Malware Bites
Free Soft Cop remover

I can't install/ run malwarebytes!
Download and rename malwarebytes using a non infected computer and save the file to a CD.
Boot your computer in safe mode by pressing F8 when your pc restarts
Install malwarebytes using the cd mentioned above
Launch the program, do a system scan and follow the prompts to remove the malicious files.


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