Sunday, January 3, 2010

Control Centre Virus

The control centre virus, also called as the control center virus, is a malware that causes your computer to display endless streams of popups. Find out more about the control centre virus antivirus by reading this article on control centre virus removal.

What is control center virus? Is control center a virus?
Makers of fake anti virus protection softwares such as the platinum soft 2010 generally take advantage of different names to brand newer versions of their fake virus and spyware protection programs. These bogus security softwares can even take the names of legitimate anti viruses. One of their versions of these bogus antiviruses is being promoted by the windows control center virus.

Among the things that will tell you that what is in your computer is the virus control center is that this software keeps on displaying adverts and scans without you voluntarily installing it in your system.

Control center virus removal
It is advised that you consider removing control center virus since this program can slow down your PC. Do not buy control center software virus. This "control center" virus can also be very annoying since it causes your PC to display popups. Fortunately, you there is a free way to remove control center virus. You can remove control center free and without you spending money either manually or by using a fake antivirus remover.

How to remove the control center virus: Control center virus manual removal
Your first option to remove control center virus for free is by manual removal. You may want to follow this procedure on how to remove control center virus manually:
Kill Control Centre virus processes:
cc.exe agent.exe uninstall.exe

Delete registry values:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Control center
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "agent.exe"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon "Shell" = C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Application Data\CC\cc.exe"

Get rid of control center virus files:
cc.exe agent.exe uninstall.exe settings.ini guide.html 05.png 06.png 07.png 08.png 09.png 10.png Control center.lnk

Delete control center virus directories:
C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Application Data\CC
C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Application Data\CC\faq
C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Application Data\CC\faq\images

Control center virus - free removal tool
Alternatively, there is another free way to remov control center as there are tools that you can use to free remove control center virus. One of the best software for removing control center virus is Malwarebytes. This application is popular as a fake antivirus removal tool and you can use the free version in removing ccmain virus.

Free control center virus removal: How to remove the control center virus using Malwarebytes
Download the controle center computer virus removal software into a clean PC, rename the file and copy it into a cd. Reboot your infected PC into safe mode. Insert CD into the "control centre" virus infected PC, install and run to kill control center in your PC.

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