Thursday, January 14, 2010

Live PC Care

If you need assistance in removing Live PC Care av from your computer, you may be interested in this post on Live PC Care removal. This post will provide information on how to remove Live PC Care virus.

As people all over the world search for information on how to help the victims of the Haiti Eathquake, developers of fake anti-virus protection softwares flex their SEO muscles to take advantage of Haiti Earthquake donation related keywords. These cybercriminals make use of these crucial keywords to spread one of their malicious fakewares. A virus called live pc care is recently hijacking the Haiti keywords to promote the Live PC Care Antivirus.

What is Live PC Care?
What is Live PC Care virus? Is live pc care a virus? According to a report from the F-secure blog, perpetrators of fake anti virus protection softwares are spreading the Live PC Care AV Virus via searches related to the Haiti Earthquake.

Live PC Care Online Protection is a non-working security software. Do not even consider to buy Live PC Care since this cannot remove malwares, viruses and trojans from your computer.

Symptoms of the virus live pc care
Like most fake antivirus protection softwares, the fake live pc antivirus will cause your computer to display fake system scans and will bombard your PC with ads that encourage you to purchase a fake antivirus protection tool.
how to get rid of live pc care for free
Providing your credit card data to the makers of the Live PC Care malware may also put your financial info in danger. Consider getting rid of livePC care as soon as possible.

Delete Live PC Care
Getting rid of Live PC Care is recommended since non-working virus and spyware softwares may slow down your computer. This particularl malware may also bombard your screen with LIVE PC CARE popups. So how do you get rid of Live PC Care? The following will provide you with information on how to get rid of Live PC Care virus:

How do I get rid of Live PC Care free?
In getting rid pc live care free, you have an option for manual Live PC Care removal but deleting non-working PC security tools such as the Live PC Guard, the antivirus live and the security tool scam is much easier with a free fake antivirus removal tool. Malwarebytes, for one, is a tool that you can use as a Live PC Care remove tool. You can get rid of live pc care for free by using the basic version as a free Live PC Care removal tool.

How do I remove Live PC Care using this free Live PC Care remover?
Use the free version of malwarebytes to remove Live PC Care free. This malware removal tool is used in removing fake antiviruses including Errclean malware and vista guardian 2010. Since fake antiviruses including the "live pc care" may prevent you from installing or running security tools, you might want to follow this live pc vare removal instruction to remove livepc virus from your system:

  • Reboot your PC care virus infected pc into Safe Mode with Networking by restarting your pc and tapping F8 as soon as you see anything on your computer screen.

  • Download, install and run Malwarebytes

If this doesn't work, try to download Malwarebytes via a clean computer, rename and save on a removal disk. Use this disk to install the live pc care free removal tool in to your Live PC virus infected computer.

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