Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This article provides information on laptopantivirus.microsoft.com. You may be interested in reading this article if your computer has the laptopantivirus.net infection.

Laptopantivirus.net scam: What is the Laptopantivirus virus?

Laptopantivirus.microsoft.com is classified as a browser hijacker. Browser hijackers such as this laptop antivirus microsoft, will forcibly direct infected computers to visited a site that could either inject malwares or in the case of the laptopantivirus.com virus, redirect you to a site that show fake system scans to encourage you to purchase a fake antivirus protection software.

Fake Antivirus Protection Software and laptopantivirus net
Rogue antiviruses these days are making use of browser hijackers to spread their non working virus and spyware protection softwares. The laptop antivirus.net browser hijacker, for example, is known to promote the Antivirus Live fake antivirus protection program. Do not even think of a laptopantivirus net purchase. Consider getting rid of the laptop.antivirus.microsoft.

A laptopantivirus.net removal is necessary since this browser hijacker will keep on redirecting you to the http://laptopantivirus.microsoft.com website.

Laptopantivirus.net remove guide
The antivirus live aptopantivirus.microsoft.com hijacker can fortunately be removed. For your laptopantivirus.microsoft.com remove guide, please visit and read this post:

How to remove laptopantivirus.microsoft.com: LaptopAntivirus redirect removal
This article will provide infos on laptopantivirus free removal

You may also want to read this post: How to get rid of Antivirus Live Inc virus.


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