Thursday, February 11, 2010

Antivirus Vista 2010 Scam

This article provides information on the antivirus vista scam. If you are looking for information on how to remove antivirus vista 2010 popup windows in your computer, you may be interested in reading this post about the fake vista 2010 antivirus.

The antivirus vista 2010 virus: Vista 2010 malware scam
What is antivirus vista 2010? Is antivirus vista 2010 scam? The antivirus vista 2010 is another fake antivirus protection software. The Anti virus vista scam is perpetrated by scammers who want to make a living developing and marketing non working antivirus protection softwares such as this vista malware scam software.
How the Vista virus protection scam works
The vista antivirus scam works this way: "Antivirus vista 2010" malware will cause your PC to display fake system scans and vista virus scam warnings that tell you your computer is infected with trojans, malwares and viruses. This is to entice you to spend money on this fake virus and spwyare protection software vista protection 2010.

The antivirus vista 2010 fake antivirus cannot get rid of viruses and trojans in your PC and as such, it is safe to avoid this vista internet security scam and the developers of this "antivirus vista" 2010 virus. You may also consider getting rid of the AV Vista 2010 in your PC. How do you remove anti virus vista then?

How can I get rid of vista 2010 virus
Use Malwarebytes as an "antivirus vista 2010" free removal tool. The free version of this software can be downloaded and used in removing anti virus vista 2010. Aside from removing anti virus vista 2010 scam infection, this malware killer is also used to remove other fake antiviruses such as the pc security tool rogue program and the fake
vista full protection 2010.

Reboot your PC in safe mode first before installing and running this fake antivirus popup removal application.

Related vista security scam articles
You may also be interested in reading this article on vista antispyware 2010 scam and vista internet scam.


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