Saturday, February 13, 2010

Soldier Defender

This article will provide you information about the online soldier defender protection. This post will give you answer as to why you are seeing online soldier defender pop up windows in your computer as well as information on how to get rid of soldier defender.

Is Soldier Defender legit? Is soldier defender a virus? What is soldier defender?

There is a growing number of fake antivirus protection softwares that try to masquerade as real internet security software and soldier defender anti virus aka soldier antivirus install cleaner may be one of the newest versions of the rogue virus and spyware protection wares.

Fake antiviruses are characterized by contant popups, fake system scans and browser hijacking. If you are always being redirected to,,,,, or a similar site or page that advertises "Soldier Antivirus" AV, you are likely infected by a fake virus protection software.

Soldier Defender Scam
By displaying alerts, fake virus and spyware protection software developers bombard infected users with rogue security tool advertisements such as adverts of the fake antivirus soldier defender in the hope to sell non working security programs. There is no key for soldierdefender for free but never ever download this "my security wall" hijack program into your PC or purchase soldier defender software.

Soldier Defender Removal
You must consider removing soldier defender computer virus because the popups, fake scans and google redirects caused by the virus soldier defender can be very annoying especially if you need to browse the internet. This soldier can also slow down your infected PC.

How do I remove soldier defender virus?This is how to get rid of soldierdefender:

How to remove soldier defender anti spyware from computer
One of the softwares that is popularly utilized as a fake antivirus removal tool is Malwarebytes. You can download the basic version of this malware killer and use to uninstall soldier defenderl in your PC.


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