Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Similar to LaptopAntivirus and Newsoftspot.com browser hijackers, Www2.novironyourpc.net also causes google or yahoo redirects to promote a fake antivirus protection software, the Live PC Care.

The Novironyourpc.net browser hijacker may close your Internet Explorer and leave a message that you need to complete a scan because your computer is at risk of crashing.

Www2.novironyourpc.net will pose itself as a system scanner that performs a system scan to check for spywares and viruses in your PC but it actually generates fake results so infected users will believe they need to buy the Live PC Care AV to get rid of malwares and viruses in their computer. Do not believe in the lies of Novironyourpc.net.

Novironyourpc.net Removal
Consider installing and running malwarebytes to remove Novironyourpc.net Live PC Care infection in your PC.

You may also find these posts helpful:

How to restore a hijacked browser
Manual Removal of Nov Iron Your PC


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