Monday, March 1, 2010

Soldier Antivirus

The website is another fake computer security site that promotes the rogue antivirus protection software Security Tool Protect Your PC via the link www.

Soldier anti virus promotes rogueware
Like most fake antiviruses, the security tool av malware is promoted maliciously: it causes computers to display annoying popups. It also cause browser redirects which keep redirecting searches to the soldier AV site which promotes and sells the soldier antivirus cleaner security tool AV for 49.99 dollars.

soldier antivirus removalBy causing browser redirects, the fake antivirus malware can prevent people from using their infected computer to download Soldier Antivirus remove tools or to search for information on how to remove soldier antivirus' security tool infection.

How to get rid of soldier anti-virus Security Tool Scam
You may want to read this: How to remove security tool virus.


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