Thursday, May 20, 2010

Byte Defender Virus

What is bytedefender antivirus? The byte defender online scan is another fake security software spread by malwares that cause infected systems to display fake warnings to make people buy the byte defender software, a rogueware.

How do you know your PC has bytes defender?

Symptoms of this fake byte defender online scan av virus may include browser redirects to bytedefender download link and constant popups. Make sure that you do not click on any of the bytedefender download link shown to you by the bytedefender alert windows.

The Byte Defender Scam
This software is a hoax and you must consider a byte defender removal to remove and get rid of byte defender infection in your PC.

How to remove Byte Defender Virus
Download and run Malwarebytes, a free malware killer. More information on its usage can be found in this post: Malware Bites


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