Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Virus Protector Scam

The virus protector scam is a modus operandi of online scammers that try to market a fake antivirus protection software, the virus protector. This article on "virus protector" scam provides information about this rogue security tool and how to get rid of the virus protector malware.

The virus protector scam virus, like most fake antiviruses cause infected computers to show annoying virus protector pops up that entice people into purchasing a non working security software. It is important that you get rid of this fake av protector malware because it can slow down you system. So how do you get rid of virus protector?

How to remove pc protector virus
Download Malwarbytes (see this article: Malbytes free download) and use this as a virus protector removal tool.

How do I remove virus protector with Malwarebytes?
Read this post for more details on how to use this software: Malware Bites


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