Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Stop Your Email from Sending Out Spam

It's irritating to receive spam mails but it is far more worrisome when your friends tell you that, unknown to you, you are sending them spam. 

The situation is not only embarrassing, it may even cause your contacts to flag your mails as spam. This can potentially result in your friends and business contacts not receiving and reading important information you send to them online because your email adress is flagged.

"Why is My Email Sending out Spam?"
There are several possible reasons why your email is sending out spam. First is the possibility of somebody getting hold of your username and password (via phishing sites). It is also possible that a malware in a computer you used to access your email is causing your account to send out spam.

"My email is sending spam! What do I do?"
You may want to try to do the following to prevent your email from sending out more spam. Please leave a comment which of the methods worked and which did not.

Scan your computer for viruses and malwares.
Your computer may have files/ programs that compromised your email account.

Change your password and email account details.
If somebody has gotten hold of your password and other information in your email, you may want to change those details ASAP if you can still access your account using your old data.

Remove your contacts
In cases when spam is sent out to people in your address book, you may want to delete your contacts to prevent those in your address book from receiving automated spam from you. Make sure to have a back up copy of your contacts' emails.


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