Wednesday, December 8, 2010

PC Protection Center

The PC Protection Center Virus may lure computer users to "download trial" or "buy license" of PC Protection Center Antivirus. If you have issues with this fake PC Protection virus, read this article on PC Protection Center removal. This will give you an idea how to get rid of PC Protection Center.

Like most fake computer security softwares, the virus PC protection center makes use of scare tactics so people will buy the registration or license key of the fake program that it promotes. It gives users the notion that there are security issues in their PC and may bombard alerts such as the following:

Considerable System productivity decline is observed.
Total System scanning is recommended to remove all the reasons of productivity decline.

Potentially harmful software is detected.
To enable the security mode and remove harmful software it is recommended to perform a cleanup.

Note that the website promoting this rogueware has numerous typos which is not a characteristic of most reliable antivirus protection tool websites.

How to remove PC Protection Center

1. Click Start ? Run (or WinKey+R).
2. Type in: cmd and click OK. Command prompt window will show up.
3. Type in: taskkill /f /im PCProtectionCenter.exe and click Enter.
4. Download free MalwareBytes Anti-malware and run a full system scan.


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