Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ProtectOne Virus

There's another version of these rogue korean antiviruses, the Protectone virus. This malware markets the fake protectone antivirus that may appear as a coputer security tool. Be warned though that it is not safe to buy the activation code or pay for the registration or upgrade of this protectome Malware. This article gives information on how to remove protect one virus, a fake AV.

The protectone scam
One way to scam people who are concious of their computer's health and security ks by making it appear that there ate computer threats such as viruses, worms, trojans and malware in their PC and then giving them the notion that puchasing a particular software will solve the issues. This is how fake antiviruses work and is evidently manifested by the way the virus protectone works.

Protectone removal
If your PC is compromised by the protectone fake antivirus, you must consider getting rid of protectone malware ASAP as this program can make it challenging to compute in your desktop or laptop.

How to get rid of protectone virus
Download and run malwarebyres antimalware in your infected PC.


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