Tuesday, July 5, 2011

IRS Notification Letter

Warning: A malicious email is currently circulating targeting tax payers as victims: the fake IRS notification letter email.*

The IRS notification email scam works by making recipients click on a file that is supposed to help them comply with missing IRS requirements. This IRS Notification Letter tells recipients that the Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Source was unable to process their tax return and will entice them to download the "attached notification and list of missing documents".

This IRS Notification Letter attachment actually contains a malware that when launched, may install a malware in your PC.

Here's the IRS Notification bogus email:

Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Source
Important information about your tax return

We are unable to process your tax return

We received your tax return. However, we are unable to process the return as field. Our records indicate that the person identified as the primary taxpayer or spouse on the tax return did not provided all the required documents shown on the tax form. Our records are based on information received from the Social Security Administration.
Based on this information, the tax account for the individual has been locked
What you need to do
Print out the attached notification and list of missing documents, fill it in, add the documents and send the following information to the adress shown in the attached notification.

List of required documents:
1. A copy of this letter
2. Notification letter
3. A photocopy of valid U.S. Federal or State Government issued identification.

Spam mails such as this one are often characterized by false information and bogus attachments. Some spam emails are intended to market products while some, such as this particular spam email are distributed to spread viruses and malwares. Be careful at all time with opening emails and attachments that you receive in your email.

If you have received this IRS notification letter email spam in your mailbox, make sure to mark this email as spam and do not download or click on any link contained in this spam email.


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