Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are these Email Messages in Your Inbox?

This week alone, I received more or less 100 spammy messages but thanks to my reliable webmail, 99% of these spam messages landed in my spam folder and not in my inbox.

Among the spam messages that I receive this week are as follows:

  • Do you want 25000 USD from the government, it is possible from Registered Advisors

This email tells you that that if you are an American citizen over the age of 18, you
may be eligible for some kind of government grant; encourages you to take advantage of their free FREE Government Funding CD.

  • Your Title wants to be your loyal fan from FanBox Fan NOREPLY

It's funny that the Fanbox site tells it is a Spam-Free Web-based email because Fan box itself is one of the most diligent spammers that I know. Check out "How to Stop Receiving Fanbox Spam" to learn how you can get rid of the fanboxnotes spam.

  • Need $$$, Google PayDay software makes it so easy! (see offer for details) from GooglePayDay

This email tells you they are going to show you how to create an automatic cash flow machine by working with Google.

The following are  other spam emails sent by spammers. I noticed that most of this emails sell viagra and other pills and tablets online:

  • Where are you, I'm frozen!

  • We need your presence

  • Can't find you, darling

  • Lost my number? )

  • Witness some positive changes in your body

  • Money so easy you'll kick yourself

  • Work at home positions. Immediate Placement

  • Don't reject my calls!

  • Returned mail: Over quota

  • Get a government grant that comes from your tax dollars: Searching for some extra money this year? You may qualify for free government funding! Millions of Dollars available now.

  • View Your Latest Credit Score

  • Sales Receipt from Amazon: To unsubscribe from this mailing list, please log in to

    , click on "My Account", click "Update" to edit your registration details and uncheck the "Receive Newsletter?" check box

  • Create some extra cash with Google

Why do I receive such an enormous amount of Spam messages? I love free services online and sometimes registering your email to get free graphics and free applications can land you into trouble. If you receive any of these mail messages in your inbox, I suggest you mark them as spam and delete them. You may also find it worthy to install fre antivirus norton in case you accidentally click on these virus/worm containing email messages.

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