Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Spam Alert: MSNBC- Breaking News and BBC News

I received three MSNBC Breaking News today in my mailbox although they are already classifed as spam. I must say though that the "news" are quite interesting. Teenagers who receive the email are likely to click the High calorie food banned in canteens link and parents would want to know about the "story" behind Plane crashes into prep school, hundreds of kids killed.  Unfortunately though, these series of MSNBC- Breaking News are spam and clicking the links will only result in you downloading harmful software or files.

There is also the BBC News spam that now arrive in the mailbox. This too is a malware email and clicking on the links is not recommended.

Read Beware of the daily top ten email to understand why it is not advised to click on any links, even the unsubscribe links from these emails. If you wish not to receive these types of email, you might want to read this post: Unsubscribe from CNN Alerts: Breaking News, MSNBC- Breaking News and BBC News Spam.

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