Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Unsubscribe from CNN Alerts: Breaking News Spam

The CNN Alerts: Breaking News is the latest addition to the latest wave of CNN alerts spam mails that have been proliferating among email users. Like its CNN spam predecessors, the CNN Alerts: Breaking News provide links that when followed, may lead users into downloading harmful files into their computer. Some people have been spoofed into downloading malwares from the cnn breaking news email but with the new CNN Alerts: Breaking News Spam, some email users already receive warning telling them that such message may not actually come from whom it claims to be and advice is given against following  links contained on the email.

Concern for some of the recipients of the message however is about how to unsubscribe from these CNN Alerts: Breaking news spam family. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to unsubscribe from these spam and clicking on the unsubscribe links within the body of the message will only result in your email receiving more spam in the future. Nevertheless, here are some things that you can do:

1. Mark the message as spam. This way, email service providers will be able to identify similar messages as spam in the future and these spam messages will least likely arrive in the mailbox as legitimate email.

2. Set up email filters. You can automatically delete or filter these spam messages by using email filters. Ehow has some helpful tips on how to set up email filters in Microsoft Outlook.

3. Use a reliable and effective spam blocker or spam filter. I cannot recommend any but you can google for spam blockers and even for free email spam blocker.


karen said...

CANCEL all these emails from CNN!!!

MCrooms said...

Please unsubscribe me from all CNN newsletters news info, mail alerts as my compnay does not allow this....did not know!

Thank you!

S. Ostos said...

UNSUBSCRIBE, PLEASE! I do not like the "teasers you have to get to some other page! UNSUBSCRIBE!

kate wright said...

could you please unsubscribe me from your email address list thank you

ElectronicsLab Philippines said...

i thought it was not spam.

S. Couchman said...

Please unsubscribe me from Don't know how I got it in the first place.

D. Bilicki said...

Please unsubscribe me from I did not request this service.

Joe said...

Please unsubscribe me from all CNN.

Mary Oubre said...


Darin said...

SpamBully thus far has done a good job of blocking these types of emails for the office.

jill lawrie said...

please unsubscribe me

joe gebis said...

please unscribe my e mail

joe gebis said...

do nat send ant y e mails

William Wills said...

Unsubscribe me from all CNN emails!

annette sykrs said...

please unscrib me for the Cnn member web page

Stella Southall said...

Change my email account from to my new email at Yahoo.

My new email address is:

Thank you!

Len said...

Please unsubscribe me from all your e-mail products. YOU MAKE IT NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE TO DO SO. Thanks

d mcintyre said...

I am sick and tired of recieving cnn alerts!

I have trird repeatedly to cancel or unsubscribe but

to no avail! I ask you once again to STOP sending me this stuff.

Barbara Dietz said...

Cannot receive these @ my work adddress any more

Notify me via email @ my home address when this has been removed.

Thank you

Barbara Dietz said...

Cannot receive emails @ work any more. Please remove my work address above on news alerts and notify me via email to my home email address @ when this has been done.

Thank you

Corsilla Adams said...

Please unsubscribe me from all cnn email alert it is impossibe to unsubcribe.

S LeeMaster said...

I have tried to unsubscribe from CNN email alerts. I will be traveling and do NOT wish to have these anymore.

You make it very difficult to do so.

Sikkandar said...

I have trird repeatedly to cancel or unsubscribe but

to no avail! I ask you once again to STOP sending me this stuff.

Mark said...

Text "STOP" to 26688. You should get a reply within min.s

Chris said...


ya'oleladywho said...

So tired of the constant negativity. When there are two sides, you always play up the downside. It's very, very wearing.

George G. Hoffman said...

I’ve been testing and at any given day or time anytime I go to CNN on TV 99% of the time it is all about bashing our president. One America News is what CNN used to be. A NEWS organization that actually reports stories from around the world. No wonder CNN Is so hated.

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