Sunday, June 22, 2008

Car that Runs on Water: Truth or Fiction?

Reuters recently featured a news story and a video about a Japanese company that was reportedly able to produce a car that runs on water. Japan based company Genepax, is said to have produced a car that derives its energy from water. The water powered car reportedly uses an energy generator that can extract hydrogen from water poured into the car's tank to release electrons which in turn produce electric power that can run the car. The Japanese company claims the water powered car can run at a speed of 80 kph for about an hour using only one liter of water.

Some websites that are skeptical about this technology, however, doubt about the credibility of the news from Reuters. The article "Water Powered Cars Will Never Work" from, for example, claims that water powered car, regardless of their variations, are all bogus. Water powered cars have already come with different names such as HHO and H20 powered cars.

Personally, I believe that this technology is really possible and may in fact even be already existent. Nevertheless, I still doubt about the "technologies" presented by sites that sell outrageously priced gas to water conversion guides and module kits to convert gasoline powered cars to water powered cars. A water powered car was reportedly produced by a Filipino Inventor a few years back but his invention was not patronized. The inventor, however, says that he has converted his car to run on water.

A century or so ago, nobody believed that man will be able to fly but the airplane was invented and man was even able to fly to the moon. What seemed to be an impossibility on cars that run on HHO or H20 may be the trend in the near future.

Here is the video of the water powered car that was reportedly unveiled in Japan:


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