Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Girly Theme for Can Talk Tech

I am getting tired of people thinking that the author of Can Talk Tech (well that's me!) is a male, thanks to my name that sounds like a man's name and to the popularity among male bloggers to blog about tech (I guess more women bloggers are actually into personal blogs and shopping blogs) so I finally decided to use a wordpress theme that will tell people I am actually a female (lol).

The wordpress theme that I am using is the teen blogger wordpress theme and the girl in the header image is originally blond and sort of fairer. I just asked my husband (thanks dad and Happy Father's day again!) to do some editing because I am not a blond and people who knows me might actually shrIIeeeeek at the idea of me being fair hahahah. Editing the image is quite difficult so I better describe how I really look like in real life:

I am fat, dark and not really girly (you can't see me wearing the same outfit as this girl in my header image). I am also not a teen blogger because I am already 30 years old (with a husband and one adorable kid). I also have a mole in my nose (which sometimes bleed so I better see a doctor soon and get some advice about this) and the color of the cellphone I am using is not pink but a white and orange nokia and I do not have a laptop (well not yet, I was not able to buy that mac on my birthday :-( but I will have that soon hehehehe).

Okay, that is for now, I hate blogging stuffs in this tech blog which are supposed to be in my personal blog, Rhodilee

PS: I am tired so please pardon the typos and grammatical mistakes. I did not edit this post. Good night!


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