Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Spim Blockers to Filter Instant Messaging Spam

With spim attacking every possible instant messaging account, a spim blocker may be necessary in keeping away annoying and nonsense ads and avoiding viruses and worms that may be sent through instant messaging networks.

What is Spim?

Spim, otherwise referred to as instant messaging spam is a kind of spam that appear in instant messaging services and target users of yahoo messenger, ICQ and windows live messenger. Spim programs can be more annoying than spam messages because it is quite difficult to despam these spim messages that just pop out during an IM conversation. Aside from bombarding recipients with unsolicited messages and ads, it is also not least likely that these spims may bring along viruses such as the Funny UST scandal virus that can affect a whole computer system.

Avoiding Spim Messages

There are several ways on how to avoid receiving spim messages such as setting up your IM to receive only messages from people that you know but these types of option may not be viable for other people. Using spim blockers may be a more feasible option to fight off IM hackers and computer spim senders.

Spim blockers to filter out Instant Messaging Spam

Here are some websites with spim blocking tools that may help in filtering out spims:


Akonix has an Instant Messaging Security Center that releases information about worms and viruses that target IM networks. Akonix also claims as a pioneer in releasing Spim and Malware Filters for IM.


Scansafe version of spim blocker is called as IM control. Here is how instant messaging control works:

spim blocker from scansafe


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