Thursday, June 2, 2011

Email from Facebook Security Team?

Beware of the email that appears to have come from Facebook Security Team. This is yet another phishing scam. This email will try to get your log in credentials and may get some of information that you have on your account that they can use to commit identity theft. This is how this facebook spam phishing email looks like:

Your Facebook account was recently logged into from a computer, mobile device or other location you've never used before. We have reviewed your account activity, and we get information about possible unauthorized access to your Facebook. We have provided a warning to you via email, but you do not respond to our notification.

“Your account was accessed from a new location : Anonymous Proxy.”

If you are not signing into your Facebook account from "Anonymous Proxy", your Facebook account mayhave been compromised. We recommend immediately verify your account by carefully on the link below to protect your Facebook account. It may take a few minutes of your time to complete your data.

Please be sure to visit the Facebook Service Account for further information regarding these security issues.
Note : If within 12 hours, you have not verified your account, then you have ignored our notifications. Therefore, your account is permanently suspended, and will not be reactivated for any reason.

Facebook Security Team


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