Thursday, June 2, 2011

Personal Shield Pro

Like most rogue security softwares that have emerged to scam people, the personal shield pro entices computer users to get the personal shield pro serial key with a deceptive promise that paying for it will help in eradicating computer threats and issues. The personal shield pro software can very well pass itself as a legitimate antivirus protection tool but looks can be deceiving in this age when scammers are developing malwares that can look like security softwares.*

How does the personal shield pro virus differ from real and working antiviruses? First, the rogue security software just pops out of your computer. It scans your computer and alerts you of what appears to be numerous worms, trojans and viruses. The rogue software claims it has detected these malwares and then flashes adverts telling you to get the personal shield pro serial key. These reported threats are fortunately exaggerated in order to scare you into buying the promoted software.

Inability to access the internet and browser redirects are also common symptoms of a computer that has been compromised by rogue security tool infection.

Keep Safe from Rogue Personal Shield Pro
Remember not to purchase any software promoted by popups. The marketing method in itself is spammy and suspicious. Should you need to purchase or activate a particular software, make sure to read independent reviews and feedbacks before heading to the legitimate site. This may help you avoid getting victimized by developers of rogue security softwares.

What if You have Purchased a Personal Shield Pro Key?
Although this may not guarantee that you will get your money back, consider contacting your credit card issuer as soon as possible and ask for advice on how to get a refund after you have purchased a fake software.

Personal shield pro removal
Refer to this post on how to get rid of fake antivirus for information on personal shield pro virus removal.


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